Our first spring back in Texas, I planted maroon bonnets as a tribute to my alma mater. We now have a nice mix of blue and maroon bonnets in our front flower beds. Makes me smile!
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We may be far away but perhaps we can always be a part of your day/week/month with this blog
Heather’s 110 in 2010
1. create a list of 101 goals and a timeframe within which to complete them
2. Participate in community service project
3. start a blog (update at least 1/month x 6)
4. Get back in touch with good friends
5. Read through the bible in a year
6. Say a family prayer once/day at least on a regular basis (3 months in a row)
7. Have families from church over (4x)
8. Read AAFP journals x last three years
9. Study for and pass Medical Board Exam
10. Take a Rheumatology CME course
11. Read Sports Medicine review book
12. Sports Medicine CME course
13. Read Bratton’s study questions
14. Make file of patient handouts
15. Take a musculoskeletal ultrasound course
16. Make list of supplies needed for each procedure for staff
17. Develop Exercise Prescription to use in clinic
18. No fried foods x 1 month
19. Take a vitamin daily x 1 month
20. No sodas x 1 month
21. Floss daily x 1 month
22. No beef x 1 month
23. Begin yoga at least once/week x 6
24. Walk regularly with kids & dogs (at least 2x/week for 8 weeks)
25. Exercise(aerobic) 3x/week on regular basis (at least 12 weeks)
26. Train for a half-marathon in the fall, plans for full in winter
27. Run a half-marathon under 2 hours
28. Take a “mental health” day
29. Dentist every 6 months x 2
30. Lose baby weight or at least within 5 pounds
31. Organize and clear out formal dining room boxes
32. Finish organizing kitchen desk space
33. Decorate Claire’s room walls
34. Keep a tree I planted alive x 1 year
35. Learn how to maintain pool (chemicals, cleaning)
36. Plant a garden (herbs and plants)
37. Start a compost
38. keep a potted plant alive for at least one year (started 11/09)
39. Decorate our bedroom walls
40. Add some new plants/flowers to landscape each season
41. Learn how to use convection oven
42. Figure decorations for front porch (plants, rocking chairs?)
43. Recycle on a regular basis (x 8 weeks)
44. Use reusable grocery bags at least 6 times
45. Make up bed 10 times in 1 month
46. Table for back porch
47. Hang pictures on Rhys’ walls
48. Trees or plants for entry way
49. Decorate Claire’s loft area like a treehouse
50. Childproof the house
51. Make plans at least for my wildscape
52. Figure a storage/ set up for Play area
53. Figure Decoration for Dining room walls
54. Pictures hung in Kids Hall
55. Pictures hung in stairway
56. Curtains for upstairs room
57. Figure plants for behind waterfall
58. Get a lemon tree and lime tree
59. Host a dinner party
60. SCUBA certified
61. Finish projects I start (see Family below)
62. Attend a concert/musical or other event (3x)- Phantom of the Opera (4/2010), Bob Schneider (6/2010)
63. Trip to Africa
64. Antiqueing in Fredericksburg or somewhere similar
65. Family camping trip with Claire and Rhys
66. Family Cruise
67. Take a spontaneous vacation
68. Take kids to the beach (July 30-Aug 3)
69. Africa Photobook
70. Girl bonding with mom (5/year)
71. Visit BD & AM
72. Visit Grandmother Griffith & get family recipes
73. Meet with Mimi to get family recipes
74. Family Girls Trip
75. Pregnancy Photo book (Rhys)
76. Claire Photobook 0-1y
77. Claire Photobook 1-2y
78. Claire Photobook 2-3y
79. Start Claire photobook 3-4y
80. Start Rhys photobook 0-1y
81. Finish Rhys’ room rug
82. Finish Melinda’s quilt
83. Finish Mom’s quilt
84. Smock matching outfits for Claire and Rhys
85. Plan family meals weekly x 12
86. Designate individual time with each child at least 1x/week
87. Teach Claire how to fish
88. Keep a journal of significant moments, funny things, etc… of each kid
89. Make a movie of Claire growing up
90. Teach Claire swimming lessons
91. Teach Rhys baby signs
92. Host a tea party with Claire and some friends
93. Enjoy evening family time outside x 10
94. Family walks on regular basis 2x/ week x 3 months
95. Pump 36 days of milk for Rhys to cover trip to Africa and weeks after
96. get a financial adviser
97. Set a budget with Mark & stick to it
98. write a will
99. Set up a savings account for kids (August 9, 2010)
100. Write list of things I’ve accomplished to reflect
101. Take a photography class
102. Take an ASL course
103. Take a medical Spanish course or feel more comfortable speaking
104. Learn how to do Calligraphy
105. Read & finish 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
106. Take a cooking class
107. Learn how to play guitar
108. Try 10 new crock pot recipes
109. Learn how to be more proficient with using fresh herbs in cooking
110. Do something special to celebrate completion of 110 goals!!! -
Lifetime goals:
1. Qualify for Boston
2. Visit New Zealand
3. Mediterranean Cruise
4. Hike Bright Eyes
5. Visit Havasupai Falls
6. Raft Colorado R. at Grand Canyon
7. Canoe the Everglades
8. Visit Hawaii
9. Visit all the National Parks
10. Ride MS 150
11. Quilt for Rhys’ room
Things I’ve accomplished
1. Find an amazing husband
2. Start a family & raise them in the church
3. Graduate Medical School
4. Visit China
5. Mission trip in Haiti
6. Marathon by 30
7. Crochet a baby quilt x 3