Saturday, March 20, 2010

4 months old

Our little man is growing up so quickly. He's 4 months old now. He's got such a sweet disposition. He loves smiling and laughing; especially when he's sung talked to.

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Location:Unnamed Rd,Georgetown,United States

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snip snip

What a surprise we awoke to. Claire is quite thoughtful at times, awakening early, she sometimes will quietly play in her play area allowing mommy and daddy to "sleep in" a little. Well at least until 7 when Rhys awakens. But this morning she was too quiet.

Mark was up first and went to check on her in her play area. There he was horrified at what he found. Clumps of Claire's beautiful blonde locks all over her craft table. When asked why, she finally answered, " I was just trying to give it to my dolly!" you see for many months (about 6 now) we've been talking to Claire about soon getting her hair cut so she could donate it to " little kids who don't have hair or are sick and have lost theirs" via locks of love. We were planning to wait until this summer, however, when Aunt Hil returns from Africa so she could be there as well. Claire decided to take matters in her own hands and move things alone and thus she did. Fortunately, damage control was easy with the classic ponytail cut done to donate. The tapered bob is quite precious on her and suits her personality!

The aftermath!

The cut!!!!

The final results & bribe for letting the hair stylist finish the "trim".

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