Friday, September 24, 2010

Learning baby signs

Rhys is 10 months.

Rhys loves watching other kids and his baby sign videos. Notice the standing in the chair. We are amused at the differences of our two kiddos. Claire never cared much for climbing things nor crawling that much period, pretty much went from scoot to walk. Never put random things in her mouth, still isn't a fan of putting things in her mouth... Even food.

Rhys however, is our mover and shaker. He now covers more ground vertical than horizontal. Pushes things up to the couch to climb up and just nose dives off. He is also our Hoover baby and finds things to put in his mouth that even our roomba missed. He definitely keeps us busy and on our toes. He is such a happy baby though.

Claire keeps our ears busy! She is our talker! She is quite clever with her retorts that we're afraid she might be on track to be a lawyer. She cracks us up. Doesn't miss a detail.

YouTube Video

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