Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stay away from the hospital!

It's officially July again. All the new interns are sharpening their scalpels and preparing to try their luck at saving lives. Heather is staying busy with her duties as Chief with the new interns. Mark has his hands full being a Chief as well over the whole 4 junior residents he has to oversee.

Claire continues to amaze us everyday. Her favorite word these days is...hurts. Everything she does, she says 'hurts'. The other day it got rather quiet around the house so we knew she was up to no-good. We found her in our bedroom and whe heard me she quickly shoved something in her mouth. It was her first piece of gum and immediately her face lightened up and she colorfully expressed her delight in the flavor with a multitude of wow's and mmm. She even took it out and gave it to us when she was done rather than swallowing. She thinks it's very funny to climb on top of Griff and yell, Horsey!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hello all. Finally we have decided to start a family blog. Little Claire is growing up so fast and we wanted everyone to get to appreciate our little sunshine while we are tucked away in sunny Florida. We will periodically post pics, updates etc... Please check the blogspot for updates and feel free to leave feedback as we love hearing from all our loved ones.